父親 - father, 父母 - parents, 母親 - mother, 母愛 - maternal love, 親愛的 - dear, beloved, 西班牙 - Spain, 上班 - to go to office, 夠了 - enough, 足夠 - sufficient, 語文 - language, 成語 - idiom (a saying often made up of 4 characters), 不論 - no matter what, regardless of, 將來 - future, 將軍 - general or admiral, 發展 - to develop; to expand, 容許 - to tolerate; to permit; to allow, 笑容 - smile, 容易 - easy; simple, 珍惜 - to treasure; to cherish, 可惜 - pity; regrettable, 並且 - and; also; besides; furthermore, 電影 - movie, 影子 - shadow, 兒童 - children, 注意 - to pay attention; to watch out for, 注音 - phonetics (using symbols for sound),



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