The Montagues and the Capulets, are engaged in a deadly feud. It involves everyone., Romeo Montague finds out there is to be a masked ball at Capulet’s house. He decides to gatecrash the party to see the girl he loves: Rosaline., Juliet’s parents have arranged for her to marry Count Paris., At the party Romeo meets Juliet, the Capulets' daughter. They fall in love., They have to part, but they then discover each other's identity., Romeo and Juliet meet secretly. Romeo proposes to Juliet. They plan to marry., Juliet sends her nurse to meet Romeo to organise the wedding., Romeo arranges the wedding with Friar Lawrence., Romeo and Juliet are married by Friar Lawrence., That same morning Romeo’s friend Mercutio, fights with Juliet’s cousin Tybalt, and is killed by him., Because Tybalt has killed Mercutio; Romeo fights and kills Tybalt. Romeo is banished from Verona - on pain of death., Romeo and Juliet spend the night together and then he leaves for Mantua., Juliet’s parents order her to marry Paris in three days time. She asks Friar Lawrence for help., Friar Lawrence gives Juliet a potion, which will make her seem dead. He will contact Romeo., Juliet swallows the potion. Her parents think she is dead and she is placed in the family tomb., The message from Friar Lawrence is delayed. Romeo hears from Balthasar that Juliet is dead., Romeo buys poison and finds Juliet lying in the tomb as if dead. He drinks the poison and dies., Juliet wakes up and finds Romeo’s dead body. She stabs herself and dies..
Romeo and Juliet - The Plot
Theatre and Film
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