Gameplay - The specific way in which players interact with the game; how players gain the experience, Game mechanics - Specific rules and methods for controlling the game, Victory - The fun derived from winning, Social Interaction - The fun you have from interacting with other players, while being part of a team, outsmarting your opponent, working together to solve a puzzle, or finish a level., Self-Improvement - The fun from beating a personal goal or one set by game, Sensation - The fun from experiencing new sensations such as flying an airplane or climbing a mountain, Physical Skill - The fun you feel from succeeding with your own physical body; such as making a goal in a game of soccer, hitting a target with an arrow, or playing WiiSports bowling, Obstacles - The fun from encountering a challenge and overcoming it. The fun is from finding the solution;, Mental Challenge - This fun is gained from the ability to perceive and use patterns, solve puzzles, and problem solve., Narrative/Story - The fun of experiencing a story that unfolds over time., Expression - The fun of self-discovery and experimentation that comes with accepting a new identity., Expectation - The fun of waiting for a reward to pay off; the fun of getting the promised magic item for completing the quest, Discovery - Fun from experiencing new worlds, environments, levels, or rules of play., Construction/Destruction - Players often feel more invested when they can build and create their own space, or customize existing spaces to their liking, Collection - The fun from collecting something or completing a set; finding all the coins/memory fragments/weapons, etc., Metagaming - Gameplay that comes from interplay outside the rules of the game or in the case of video games, that uses bugs in programming or unintended combinations to create some new gameplay experience,
Unit 2 - Vocab-Blast
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