Chop - to cut into small pieces -- This can be accomplished with a knife, chopper, processor, or blender., Mince - to cut or chop food as finely as possible, Dice - to cut into small ¼ or ½” cubes, Cube - Cut into squares, size of which is determined by the recipe, generally between 1/2 to 2-inches., Fold-in - To gently mix a light, fluffy mixture into a heavier one using a rubber scraper, Cream - to beat sugar and fat together until fluffy, Whip - to beat rapidly to introduce air bubbles into food – applied to cream, eggs, and gelatin., Dilute - to lessen the strength, thickness, or flavor of a mixture, Cut-in - to cut fat into flour with two knives, or a pastry blender, until it is distributed in small particles throughout the mixture, Shred/Grate - To scrape food against the holes of a grater making thin pieces, Pare/Peel - to remove or strip off the skin or rind of some fruits and vegetables, Toss - to mix ingredients lightly without mashing or crushing them, Roux - A mixture of flour and fat that is cooked, sometimes browned, thickens soups & sauces., Grease - to lightly coat with oil, butter, margarine, or non-stick spray so food does not stick when cooking or baking, Bake - to cook by dry heat, usually in an oven, Boil - to cook in water or liquid in which bubbles rise continually and break on surface, Brush/Baste - To spoon or brush liquid or fat over food as it cooks, Cook - to prepare food by applying heat in any form, Flour - to sprinkle or coat with a powdered substance, usually with crumbs or seasonings, Garnish - to ornament food – usually with another colorful food – before serving to add eye appeal, Saute - To cook quickly in a little oil or butter., Season - To add salt, pepper, or other substances to food to enhance the flavor, Simmer - To cook below the boiling point, bubbles form slowly and break on the surface, Steam - To cook in the steam generated by boiling water, Marinate - To soak food in a liquid to tenderize or add flavor to it (the liquid is called a “marinade”), Knead,
Cooking Terms
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