What’s your favorite game to play?, If you could be any animal what would you be and why?, What is your favorite holiday and why?, If we were at the grocery store, what would you like to buy?, If you could make three wishes, what would they be?, What’s your favorite song? Why do you like it?, What’s your favorite weather? Why do you like that weather?, What is your favorite time of the year? why?, What do you want to be when you grow up?, What would you to with a million dollars?, What do you like most about Saturdays?, What’s something that you don’t like?, Tell me about your favorite movie or TV show., What do you like the most about your family?, What sound annoys you the most?, What’s your favorite ice cream?, What’s your favorite food?, What’s your favorite color?, What is your favorite restaurant? What is your favorite thing to order?, If you could have any animal for a pet which one would you choose?, What kind of music do you like?, What is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?, When is your birthday?, What city are you from?, Would you rather be a bird or a tiger? Why?, Would you rather have an airplane or a boat? Why?, Would you rather fly into outer space or go back in time? Why?, Are you left or right-handed?, Would you rather eat ice cream or chocolate bars?, Would you rather fly to the moon or be invisible?.
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