chef - the person responsible for all kitchen operations in the modern kitchen brigade system, sous chef - responsible for scheduling personnel and covering the chef or station chefs' work as necessary, accepting orders from the dining room and relaying them to various station chefs, and reviewing the dishes before service, station chef - produces the menu items under the supervision of the chef and sous chef; each one is assigned a specific task based on either the cooking method and equipment or the category of items to be produced, pastry chef - produces all baked goods, desserts, and pastries for an operation, expediter - communicates orders, makes sure the food is cooked in the right order and for all parties at the table, and sees that servers run food to the table while it is warm and ready, wine steward - responsible for the wine service, including purchasing wines, assisting guests in selecting wines, and serving wines, headwaiter - responsible for service throughout the dining room or a section of it, captain - responsible for explaining the menu to guests and taking orders; also responsible for any table-side preparations, front waiter - responsible for assuring that the tables are set properly for each course, food orders are delivered properly to the correct tables, and the needs of the guests are met, back waiter - responsible for clearing plates, refilling water glasses, and other general tasks appropriate for new dining-room workers,
Culinary Arts 2: Chapter 13 - Kitchen Basics - Vocab 1
11th Grade
12th Grade
Vocational / Technical
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