The moment of the last year about which you'll tell your grandchildren, What new things did you discover in yourself?, The best person you met last year, The surprise of the year, The best place you visited last year, The dream you had last year , The failure of the last year, The song of the last year, The movie (series) of the last year, The happiest day of the last year, The best trip of the last year, The tastiest thing you ate last year, The moment of the last year you want to remember, The funniest moment of the last year, The best advice of the last year, The achievement of the last year, The challenge of the last year that you managed to overcome, How did the last year change you?, Who inspired you last year?, What are you grateful for after last year is over?, Describe the last year in one word. Ok, in three words, The lesson you learned last year, What do you feel sorry for after last year is over? , The best news of the last year, What skills and personal traits were the most useful for you last year?, Small things that brought happiness last year, What great things did you create last year?, What topic did you like to explore last year?, What habits or routines did you get last year?, What did you do for the first time last year?, Which concerns or worries were groundless last year?, The book of the year , The purchase of the year.
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