If you had to rename yourself –what name would you give yourself?, What do you hope people say about you behind your back?, What are the 3 topmost characteristics that you admire in others?, What do you like doing in your free time?, What is your favorite dinosaur?, What's your favorite day of the week?, What's your favorite time of the day?, If you could instantly transport whenever you wanted but to just one place and back - where?, If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?, If you had a secret base, where would it be and what would be inside of it?, If you joined the circus, what would your circus act be?, If you could build anything in the backyard, what would it be?, What is your weekend routine like?, What kind of weather do you like?, If you could outlaw one vegetable, what would it be?, Would you rather have a robot or a spaceship?, What are 5 things you need to make a fort in your house?, What pets do you have (or have you had)?, 100 years from now, what do you hope has been invented?, Tell us about your dream job., If you were a vehicle, what would you be?, If you could ask an animal a question, what would it be?, Which cartoon character do you want to be your boss?, Describe the color blue without using the word blue..
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