Correct: 桂林山水甲天下 - Guilin is the best in the world., 赞誉(yù) - praise, compliment, 俗(sú)话 - common saying, 眼见为实 - Seeing is believing., 当(dàng)天 - the same day, 迫不及待 - cannot wait, 观赏 - observe, 江底(dǐ) - bottom of river, 染(rǎn)色 - dye, 水纹(wén) - water wave, 拔地而起 - rise straight from the ground, 形态万千 - variety of forms, shapes, and patterns, 浮想联翩(lián piān) - thoughts thronged one's mind, 诗情画意 - a scene full of poetic and artistic conception, 赞不绝口 - people keep on praising, 削(xiāo) - peel, 砍(kǎn) - chop, 鬼斧神工 - extraordinary, 惊叹不已 - exclaim in great surprise, 岩(yán)洞 - grotto, 猛(měng)兽 - fierce beast, 映衬(chèn) - set off by contrast, 奇妙无比 - so marvelous nothing can compare, 流连忘返 - enjoy so much that doesn't want to come back, 环抱(bào) - encircle, 迷蒙 - mist, 画卷(juàn) - scroll painting, Incorrect: 桂林山水甲天下 - Guilin is the 2nd best in the world., 赞誉(yù) - common saying, 俗(sú)话 - praise, compliment, 眼见为实 - cannot wait, 当(dàng)天 - the same night, 迫不及待 - Seeing is believing., 观赏 - bottom of river, 江底(dǐ) - dye, 染(rǎn)色 - water wave, 水纹(wén) - observe, 拔地而起 - people keep on praising, 形态万千 - rise straight from the ground people keep, 浮想联翩(lián piān) - variety of forms, shapes, and patterns, 诗情画意 - thoughts thronged one's mind, 赞不绝口 - a scene full of poetic and artistic conception, 削(xiāo) - chop, 砍(kǎn) - peel, 鬼斧神工 - exclaim in great surprise, 惊叹不已 - extraordinary, 岩(yán)洞 - set off by contrast, 猛(měng)兽 - grotto, 映衬(chèn) - fierce beast, 奇妙无比 - enjoy so much that doesn't want to come back, 流连忘返 - so marvelous nothing can compare, 环抱(bào) - scroll painting, 迷蒙 - encircle, 画卷(juàn) - mist,


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