Nuclear engineer - Develops methods that utilize nuclear materials for energy, medicine, and industry., Biologist - A scientist who focuses on living organisms, including plants and animals., Botanist - Scientist specializing in study of plants, Archeologist - A person who looks for bones, tools, and artifacts from people who lived long ago to find out how people lived then, Applied mathematician - Uses extensive knowledge of mathematics in his/her work, typically to solve mathematical problems., Chemist - A scientist who studies matter and how matter changes, Paleontologist - A scientist who studies fossils to learn about organisms that lived long ago, Aerospace engineer - They design aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and missiles., Astronaut - A person who is trained to travel into outer space, Mechanical Engineer - Designs and builds all types of vehicles, Astronomer - A scientist who studies the stars and other objects in the sky, Marine biologist - Studies the living organisms that live in the ocean and other bodies of water., Biotechnology engineer - Develop products from living microorganisms to improve the lives of people, Statistician - One who is skilled in collecting and tabulating numerical facts., Agricultural engineer - An engineer who solves problems that affect the quantity and quality of food, Computer hardware engineers - Research, create, and test computer or computer-related equipment., Energy engineers - Involved with the production of energy through natural resources, such as the extraction of oil and gas.,
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