diffusion - movement of particles from a high concentration to a low concentration, solvent - the part of a solution that DOES the dissolving (water), solute - the part of a solution that IS dissolved (salt), lipids, carbohydrates, proteins - biomolecules that make up the cell membrane, cell membrane - structure that surrounds ALL cells, passive transport - ALL processes of membrane transport that do NOT require energy, facilitated diffusion - type of diffusion that uses a protein channel to move larger molecules, active transport - type of membrane transport that moves material from a low to high concentration, fluid mosaic model - plasma membrane model showing its make-up and flexibility, two - the number of layers of phospholipids in the plasma membrane, solution - the solvent and solute together, lungs - example of where diffusion occurs with oxygen and carbon dioxide, ATP - a form of energy used to keep active transport going, protein channel - found in the cell membrane and helps to move large molecules,


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