Non-finite forms of verbs, e.g. gone, going, A three-stage model of lesson design that has prevailed in ELT methodology for the past half-century., Books that have been especially prepared for language learners., The ways that knowledge about a topic are organised and represented in one's mind., Words that share a meaning relationship because they relate to a particular topic or situation, e.g. carols, mistletoe, presents, turkey, Words that join what has been said or written to what follows., Lexical and grammatical ways to express attitude to what is being said., A list of words in a text or in a corpus, along with each word's immediate context. It can also be called 'an index of collocations'., It describes the ways languages points to spatial, temporal and personal features of the context, e.g. here, then, ELT humanistic approach that consisted of creating the right emotional and pedagogical conditions for increasing the chances of learning. Proposed by G. Lozanov..

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