Corporate ____ refers to the set of rules, practices, and processes that govern how a company is directed, ____, and controlled. It involves balancing the interests of various ____, such as shareholders, employees, customers, and the broader ____, and ensuring that the company is ____, transparent, and responsible in its actions. Good corporate governance is essential for building ____ and confidence among stakeholders and is seen as a critical factor for a company's long-term success. ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is a framework that considers a company's ____, social, and governance factors when making business decisions. ESG factors can impact a company's long-term ____ and financial performance, as well as its reputation and stakeholder relationships. ESG factors include issues such as ____ change, environmental impact, ____ rights, ____ practices, ____ and inclusion, executive compensation, and board structure and oversight. ESG is ____ related to corporate governance because it involves ____ ESG considerations into a company's governance framework. This means that companies must ____ ESG factors into their decision-making processes, risk management, and stakeholder engagement, and ensure that their governance practices are ____ with ESG principles. By doing so, companies can improve their long-term performance, reduce risks, and ____ their reputation and stakeholder relationships. Ultimately, integrating ESG into corporate governance can help companies create long-term ____ value for all stakeholders.
Text about ESG and Corporate Governance
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