Bowser kidnapped Princess Peach and kept her locked up in a castle., Mario went to the castle to save Princess Peach., Little did Mario know, Princess Peach didn't need to be saved., Princess Peach had created an escape plan of her own., Princess Peach snuck out of her prison in the middle of the night., Bowser had no idea that the Princess had escaped., Princess Peach found Mario in front of the castle, and together they escaped to freedom., Bowser tried to follow them, but Princess Peach covered their tracks well. , Princess Peach and Mario were able to safely return to the Mushroom Kingdom., Turns out Princess Peach was the real hero all along!, When Princess Peach returned to her castle, she ran upstairs to meet her friend Princess Daisy., The two of them had a tea party and laughed about Bowser's failed attempt to kidnap Princess Peach., The two princesses thought about how funny it would be if they kidnapped Bowser instead., The two princesses realized that this was actually a really fantastic idea., They continued drinking their tea while coming up with a plan to kidnap Bowser and defeat him once and for all., Once their plan was complete, Peach and Daisy put on their battle armor., The two princesses got on their horses and rode off into the distance towards Bowser's castle., When they arrived at the castle, they pounded on the front doors and demanded Bowser's attention. , Suddenly, Bowser jumped down from the top of the castle and landed on his feet, shaking the earth beneath him., Bowser let out a terrible roar, but it was cut short when Princess Peach tossed her crown at him.,
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