Vital Signs - measurements of the body's most basic functions: blood pressure, temperature, pulse, and respiration rate), Pulse - the number of times the heart beats within a certain time period, usually a minute., Blood Pressure - Measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats, Respiration Rate - the number of breaths a person takes per minute, Temperature - the degree of the internal heat of a PATIENT's body, Virus - a very simple microorganism that causes infections by entering and multiplying inside the host's healthy cells, Bacteria - single cells that can survive on their own, inside or outside the body, Fungi - Organisms that get their nourishment by decomposing non-living organic matter are capable of negative reactions in the body, Host - An organism that has a parasite living in or on its body and is harmed in the relationship, Parasite - An organism that lives on or in the body of a host to survive (the host is harmed in this relationship), Vaccine - A substance that is used to stimulate the body’s immune system to prevent future illness, Epidemic - An infectious disease that spreads rapidly and sickens a large number of people, Carrier - A person immune to a pathogen will show no symptoms, but can still pass the disease on to others, Pathogen - Any disease-producing agent such as a virus, bacteria, or parasite,
Medical Detectives: Lesson 1 VOCAB
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