"Hello, this is AVID, Student speaking" - How we answer the phone in AVID, High five, fist bump, handshake or hug - Greeting Mrs. M at the door, "Student success!" - "Starts here!", Line up outside of the AVID classroom - If Mrs. M is not in her classroom, I can take one from the front of the room - If I do not have a pencil today, Clean up my area, tuck my chair in and stand behind my desk - This is our closing routine, Raise my hand and wait patiently - If I have to ask a question, Cornell Notes - The main type of notes we take in AVID, Hand claps - How Mrs. M will get our attention, We treat them with respect & follow the pacing tracker - When there is a Substitute teacher, Greeting the Sub - Say hello, introduce yourself and offer some help if needed, When an adult enters the AVID classroom - Table 1 is responsible for greeting them and giving a handshake to them,

AVID classroom Rules and Procedures


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