skill - Ability that results from education and training., trait - Noteworthy characteristic a person possesses., employment trend - Increase or decrease in demand for workers in a given occupation for a given period of time; also known as an employment projection., apprenticeship - Formal employment relationship designed to promote skill training and learning on the job., training - Applying knowledge through practice., hard skills - Critical skills necessary to perform the required work-related tasks of a position; also known as job-specific skills or technical skills., job shadowing - Following a worker on the job to see what it entails., education - Gaining knowledge to live and work in today’s society., cooperative education - Program that allows students to receive on-the-job training through part-time work; also known as a co-op program., cost of living - Amount of money needed for rent, food, travel, and other everyday expenses., franchise - Right to sell a company’s goods or services in a particular area., job-search website - Website on which multiple employers post employment opportunities., fringe benefit - Form of compensation received in addition to salary or wages., entrepreneurship - Taking on the risks and responsibilities of starting or buying a business., entrepreneur - Person who starts a business., job duties - tasks that must be done, Department of Labor - employment trends website, interests - everyone has unique set of, career assessment - tool to identify personal strengths and interest, attitude - personal thoughts and feeling affect a person's outward behavior, ability - being able to do something or mastering, 40 - regular work week,
Chapter 3 Vocabulary
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8th Grade
Career and College Exporation
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