Would you rather go back in time or into the future?, If you woke up tomorrow as an animal, what animal would you choose to be and why?, If you could choose your age forever, what age would you choose and why?, What is your favorite book?, What's your most prized possession?, Would you rather jump into a pool of jello or marshmallows?, What is one of your talents? , What's your favorite movie?, What's your favorite TV series?, If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose and why?, What are your favorite foods?, If you were a candy bar, which candy bar would you be? Why?, Do you prefer spring, summer, fall, or winter? Please share why., What to you do in your free time?, Would you rather be able to fly or stop time?, Are you usually early or late?, What makes you laugh the most?, If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?, What's your favorite sport (to watch or play)?, What is one thing you enjoy about school? , Where's a place you like to visit or want to visit someday?, What is the perfect job for you? , What part of school makes you feel frustrated? , Would you rather spend a whole day with friends or a whole day with pets? , What is your favorite family tradition? .
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