means to say "yes" to someone’s idea - agree, something funny, that is said or done in order to make people laugh: - joke, to speak quietly, not clear - mumble, to speak words - say, to speak or shout very loudly - yell, to talk in a low, unhappy voice. - grumble, to speak softly but angrily, like "ssss" - hiss, to say something clearly, loudly, and with confidence - proclaim, to stay calm and wait without getting angry - patiently, to do something while feeling scared about something bad that might happen. - worriedly, to do something with a lot of excitement and energy - enthusiastically, to do something with no interest - half-heartedly, to do something while feeling worried or scared.all the time or often - nervously, feeling not understanding something. - confused, feel surprised or scared suddenly - startled, to make a high, loud sound, like a short scream, often because you're excited or scared. - squeal, thinking about something a lot or liking it so much that it’s all you can focus on. - obsessed with sth, to look at something far away without focusing on any specific thing, often while thinking or daydreaming. - stare into the distance, creatures that come from other planets, not from Earth. - Aliens,
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