It was a very loose adaptation, using the same situation and story, but moving it to 16th century Japan instead of 16th century Britain. - F. sets the original in a different country, And I think filming it in Italy, where the play is set, makes you see what life was like at the time of the play. - A. clearly shows the historical period, I thought Romeo and Juliet, the 1996 film, which moves the action into the present day. - E. presents the play in a different period from original, I've picked the 1996 film of Hamlet. It included every line of the text, but it's more like a typical action hero movie. - C. is too similar to another kind of film, Then, there's Prospero's Books, based on The Tempest. That was innovative from a stylistic point of view. It included dance and singing and animation, as well as live actors. - G. incorporate a variety of art forms., I've read about it. It was a blend of a documentary with a few scenes from Richard III, wasn't it? The play is really just the starting point. - B. contains only parts of the play.,

IELTS Cambridge 12, Test 8


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