personal narrative - a true story about myself that is memorable, setting - where and when the story takes place, character - who is in the story, plot - the problem and solution of the story, character traits - the feelings, thoughts and personality of a character, memorable - something you remember, academic vocabulary - the words we use in school, 5 senses - sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste, reflection - what a character felt, thought or wished, aspect - one part of a thing or an idea that has many parts, actions - what the character does, says or thinks, dialogue - a conversation between 2 or more people, transition words - connect one idea to the next idea, simile - compares 2 things using, "like" or "as", metaphor - compares 2 things by stating that one thing is another, onomatopoeia - the use of words that sound like their meaning (e.g., bang),

Personal Narrative and Vocabulary



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