Crusades - Christian military expeditions used to take back Holy Lands from the Muslims. , Black Death/Bubonic Plague - Deadly epidemic that killed over 75 million people. It was spread by fleas that travelled on rats., feudalism - Social system in the Middle Ages. A king ruled, while nobles were given land, knights protected the lands, and peasants were the workforce. , papacy - Authority of the pope., knight - A high ranking lord and soldier during the Middle Ages who served the King. , lord - Master, chief, or ruler during the Middle Ages. , serfs - Laborers on farms during the Middle Ages. , Middle Ages/Dark Ages - Period of time between the 5th and 15th century. , manor - Unit of land in Medieval Europe. Lords owned the land and peasants worked it. , Magna Carta - The "Great Charter". Was a document that said that laws applied to the King as well (1215), Eurasia - The lands of Europe and Asia combined. , pandemic - Disease that has spread throughout a country or the world. , guild - Group of merchants or craftsman in Medieval Europe who had power. , Eastern Orthodoxy - A type of Christianity that is followed in Eastern Europe. , Code of Justinian - Laws created by Byzantine Emperor Justinian. , Roman Catholicism - A type of Christianity. The Pope has the supreme power. It had large amounts of power during the Middle Ages. , Byzantine Empire - Was the Eastern Roman Empire during the Middle ages. ,
Middle Ages Vocabulary
10th Grade
Social studies
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