What would you do if you (see) a man with a bomb on the bus?, What would you do if you (have) only one day to live?, What will you do if you (be) stuck in a lift?, What do you do when you (miss) your family/friends? , What will you do if your neighbours (listen) to loud music?, What would you do if aliens (take) your family? , What will you do if a boy (try) to kiss you [if you’re a boy yourself]?, What will you do if a girl (try) to kiss you [if you’re a girl yourself]?, What do you usually do if you (get) bored?, What will you do when you (be) retired?, What would you wish if you (have) 3 wishes?, What would you do if your son (want) to marry a woman younger than you?, What would you do if your daughter (want) to marry a man older than you?, What will you do if you (find) a lot of money in the street?, What would you do if you (can) travel in time? , What do you do if you can't remember new English words?, If you (can) choose any superpower, what would it be? , If you (change) your name, what name will it be? , What would you do if the police (arrest) you for a crime you didn’t commit?, What would you do if your friend secretly (kill) somebody?, What do you do when you (be) stressed?, What would you do if you (meet) your favorite actor/actress/singer in the classroom? .
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