What is the difference between a job and career?, Do you know what career you hope for? How did you choose that direction?, What are you good at?, What "soft skills" or "hard skills" do you have? , If you could wake up tomorrow morning and have any career, What would it be? , Do you know someone with an interesting career? What could you ask them to help you find out more about it?, What are some skills you think would be important in the job you're interested in?, Do you prefer working in a team or independently? Why?, How do you think could learn more about the career you're interested in?, What kind of positive impact would you like to make in the world through your work?, Would you prefer to work in something you're passionate about , even if it doesn't pay much, or a well-paying job that doesn't excite you as much?, How do you imagine a typical day in your dream job?, Is there a movie, book, or TV show related to a profession that has inspired you or caught your attention?, What do you think employers look for when hiring for the type of job you want in the future?.

How to choose a career:



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