1) What is the meaning of At-takathur? a) The love b) The greed c) The hope d) The giving 2) What is kibar? a) Greed b) Kindness c) Arrogance d) None of the above 3) Who will not be able to smell paradise? a) The one who has an ounce of arrogance b) The one who lies c) The one who makes good deeds. d) All of the above 4) What in this life diverts you? a) Reading Quran b) Video Games c) Arrogance d) Competition 5) What does Al-Maqabir mean? a) The time b) The graves c) The day of judgement d) None of the above 6) What is the first thing the grave will do when a person enters it? a) It will squeeze you b) It will get dark c) It will get bright d) It will expand 7) What are the three questions of the grave? Select the three correct choices a) What is the best book you read? b) What is your religion? c) What is your best high score in a game? d) Who is your prophet? e) What is your book? f) Who is your lord? 8) Who is the bankrupt person? a) The one who lost all his money b) The one who lost his business c) The one who comes with a mountain of deeds and is taken away d) None of the above 9) Translate this verse : أَلْهَىٰكُمُ ٱلتَّكَاثُرُ a) Greed leads to the hell fire b) Competition for more ˹gains˺ diverts you ˹from Allah˺, c) You will soon know 10) Translate this verse: حَتَّىٰ زُرْتُمُ ٱلْمَقَابِرَ a) Until you reach death b) Until you enter Jannah c) Until you reach your graves d) Until you come back to life 11) Translate this verse: كَلَّا سَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ a) But no! You will soon come to know. b) Yes you will pay attention c) Enter the fire of Jahannam d) But YES! You will not come to know. 12) Translate this verse: لَتَرَوُنَّ ٱلْجَحِيمَ a) You will not die ever b) ˹But˺ you will surely see the Hellfire. c) But you will surely enter paradise

Surah At-Takathur Quiz


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