Personal Youtube , Professional-ifeedback Email timely responses , Buildign rapport family members, Building rapport Professionally, Personal-water intake, Professional Email addressing others, Personal Getting children to their destination on time, Professional interacting with others in a nonjudgemenatl way, Personal-involvig the children on the clean up committee, Professional-addressing online business meetings, Professional-Virtaul emplyee engagement Autonomy (clarifying expectations), Professional Virtual Employee engagement Master (Adaptive work schedule), Professional-Virtual Engagement Purpose (facilate purpose within the workplace" staff to know how their work skills matter), Professional- Email Greeting addressing others by name or professional, Pesonal-Self-confidence weekly goals, Personal-healthcare nutrition, fitness, me-time , Professional-overall self-evluation on your professional communication techniques, Personal-weekly time management schedule , Self-evluation on making and maintaining weekly goals, Personal-Celluar phone commitment , Peraonal-lunch break, Peraonal-daily affirmations, Personal-stick to the chart of your to-do list, Personal-grocery shopping food list, Professional-to-do list schedule.

Jeyshri's Personal and Professonal Lifestyle choices Accomplishments


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