Kenyans cut down the trees to grow coffee, tobacco and tea. - It's rare to see forest animals. They left the area., Wangari protested the construction of a 60 story building. - The builders abandoned the building project., John F. Kennedy invited a group of young Kenyans to go to school in the U.S. - Wangari travelled to the U.S. to earn her college degree., When Wangari returns to Kenya, she is upset by the cutting of the forest in her community. - Wangari begins the Greenbelt Movement to bring more trees back to Kenya., The Kenyan president did not like Wangari's movement. - Wangari is placed in jail several times., Wangari and her supporters planted more than 30 million trees. - Wangari wins the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004.,

Wangari Maathai Cause and Effect



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