When you are feeling afraid, how does your body feel?, What is something someone does that upsets you?, You are at your best friend's house playing a game that you do not like. What is something you could say?, If you could meet anyone in the world, who would that be? How would that make you feel?, What is something positive you could do when you are feeling angry or out of control?, If you could make one wish, what would it be?, What is a place that makes you feel safe and calm?, For a class project, you are paired up with a student who you don't get along with. What would you do?, Give someone a compliment, Act out how you would feel or what your face looks like when you are feeling disgusted, What is one of your fears?, Has anyone said anything mean to you? If so, how did you handle it?, Tell me about a time you felt happy, Take a few deep breaths and tell me how your body feels after doing that, When you are feeling sad, who is someone you could go to?, What is something you could say to someone who hurt your feelings?, Billy is at recess. He is sad because he has no one to play with. What is something you could do or say to him?, What is your favorite food?, How can you tell when someone is feeling scared?, When you are sad, how do you think your body feels?, What is one food you think is disgusting?, Your friend wants to do something risky and dangerous. What is something you could say to them?, Tell me about a time when you were afraid to do something but did it anyway, Someone cut in front of you in line and you are feeling upset. What is something you can do?, What is something good that happened to you recently?, What is one coping strategy used when you are feeling upset?.
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