Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) - a group that is not run by the government that has a mission to help people, assist - to help or support someone, numerous - many, a lot, dire - very serious; causes fear or suffering, humanitarian - A person who works to help people anywhere in the world, especially people who are suffering, impact - to effect someone or something; or to crash into another object, refugee - a person who is forced to leave their home due to war, persecution or natural disaster, someone who has been displaced, crisis - a time of great difficulty or danger; a time when an important or difficult decision must be made, displaced - to be forced to leave their home because of war, persecution or natural disaster, interact - to talk or do things with other people, influx - arrival of a large number of people or things, relocate - moving to a new place to live or start a business, vacant - empty, resident - a person who lives somewhere permanently or for a long time, decade - 10 years, disparate - very different, contrasting, unalike, contender - a person or group competing with others to win or achieve something, infer - to use clues and what I know to figure out what is happening, democratic - people have a choice and can vote, coup - to take over the government, migrate - to move from one place to another, massacre - to murder a lot of people, despite - however, but, perspective - opinion, idea,

Leaving Home Unit Vocabulary



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