What is something that makes you angry?, What is your favorite animal zoo?, What is a pet you wish you could have?, What is a place you wish you could travel to?, What is something you like about yourself?, What is the best trip you have taken?, What do you want to do as a job?, If you could eat anything for dinner, what would it be?, What is your favorite holiday?, What is your favorite superhero?, If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?, Who is one of your closest friends and how did you meet them?, What is your favorite electronic device?, What is something you collect?, Who is one of your heroes?, What was the last movie you saw?, Where would you most like to go shopping?, What is your favorite hobby to do at home?, What something that makes you laugh?, What is a superpower that you wish you had?, What is something you are very good at?, What is your favorite book?, Who is a celebrity you would like to meet?, What is the best gift you ever received?, What is something that makes you laugh?.
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