Creation - Adam is created by God, but he sins and destroys God's original plan for man. Clue: the word is in the previous sentence, Patriarch - Abraham is chosen by God to "father" a people to represent God to the world. Clue: This word means "male head of the tribe", Exodus - Through Moses God delivers the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt. Clue: Number 3 on the arc, Conquest - Joshua leads the ______ of the promised land. Clue: War, Judges - Samson and others were chosen as _____ to govern the people for 400 rebellious years. Clue: _____ Judy is a great show., Kingdom - David, the leader of the new monarchy, is followed by a succession of mostly unrighteous leaders and God eventually judges Israel for her sin, sending her into exile. Clue: Number 6 on the arc, Exile - Daniel gives leadership and encourages faithfulness among these people for the next 70 years. Clue: When Madison has to go to timeout it feels like she is being taken from where she belongs., Return - Ezra leads the people back from exile to rebuild Jerusalem. Clue: The opposite of leaving., Silence - Pharisees and others entomb the Israelites in legalism for the next 400 years. Clue: The ____ treatment normally works on husbands., Gospels - Jesus comes in fullfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of a savior and offers salvation and the true kingdom of God. While some accept Him, most reject Him and He is crucified, buried, and resurrected. Clue: This can be referred to as a type of music in a church setting., Church - Peter, shortly after the Ascention of Jesus is used by God to establish this place, God's next major plan for man. Clue: Often referred to as the house of the Lord., Mission - Paul expands the church into the Roman Empire during the next two decades. Clue: A type of trip/occupation Christians choose sometimes.,
The Arc - With Descriptions
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