ecology - The scientific study of interactions among organisms and their environment., biotic - things that were living, are living, or will someday be living., abiotic - things that were never and will never be alive, population - A group of organisms of the same species occupying a specific area., community - Two or more populations living in the same environment, ecosystem - A community of organisms and their physical environment interacting as a system., matter - Anything that occupies space and has mass; it can be living or non-living., energy - The capacity to do work or cause change; essential for all living organisms., producer - An organism, usually a plant, that makes its own food through photosynthesis., consumer - An organism that obtains energy by consuming other organisms or organic matter., food web - A complex network of interconnected food chains in an ecosystem., competition - The interaction between organisms "fighting" for the same resources within an ecosystem., interspecific competition - Competition between members of different species for the same resources., intraspecific competition - Competition between members of the same species for the same resources., herbivore - An animal that primarily eats plants or plant-based materials for sustenance., omnivore - An animal that consumes both plants and animals as part of its diet., carnivore - An animal that primarily feeds on flesh or meat of other animals for its energy needs., symbiosis - A close and long-term biological interaction between two different biological species where at least one benefits, mutualism - A type of symbiotic relationship where both organisms benefit., parasitism - A type of symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and the other is harmed., commensalism - A type of symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits while the other is unaffected., predation - The act of one organism (predator) hunting, capturing, and feeding on another organism (prey)., predator - An organism that hunts, kills, and consumes other organisms., prey - An organism that is hunted, killed, and consumed by a predator., resource - Any substance or factor that can be consumed or used to support life., stability - The ability of an ecosystem to resist change and maintain its structure over time., constraint - A limitation or restriction that affects the behavior or growth of organisms., disruption - A disturbance or interruption that alters the balance of an ecosystem., food chain - One pathway of how organisms obtain energy in an ecosystem.,
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