At the post office, a customer went the counter with a ____ he wanted to send to Toronto, Canada. The ____ asked him how he would like to send it. The customer asked about the ____ of air mail. The clerk weighed the package and said it would cost $18.50. He explained that it would take about four or five ____ to arrive. The customer decided to send it by ____. The clerk asked him to fill out a ____ declaration form and told him that the ____ included $100.00 insurance. The customer felt that was enough and didn't want any extra ____. The clerk found that the customer had forgotten to write the ____ on the parcel, so he reminded him to do so. After addressing the parcel, the customer also bought a package of 25 ____. The total cost for the ____ and stamps came to $28.50, which the customer paid. The clerk gave the customer his receipt, which included the ____. Before leaving, the customer asked where the ____ was for mailing some letters. The clerk pointed to the mail slot just below the ____ and wished him a nice day.

Going to the post office



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