RETROgrade - moving BACKWARD, HEXaMETER - a line of poetry MEASURED by SIX metric feet, ORTHOdontia - treatment in the irregularities of teeth to make them STRAIGHT, DYSphasia - DIFFICULTY with speech and verbal comprehension, DISsoluteNESS - the QUALITY OF . . . NOT having moral restraint (being indulgent), PARAeducatOR - ONE WHO (teaching assistant) COMES ALONGSIDE students, ENboldEN - MAKING or to CAUSE TO BECOME courageous, CYBERnate - to control by COMPUTER, INfallibilitIES - MULTIPLE reasons to NOT be capable of making an error, DEmystifIED - DID THE ACT OF making something LESS mysterious, NONgregarIOUS - NOT being CHARACTERIZED BY (or full of) living in groups (unsociable), SUPERfiCIAL - HAS THE QUALITY OF not being deep or ABOVE, DIScriminatIVE - HAS THE QUALITY OF making distinctions (NOT something) or being marked by prejudice, DIAphanOUS - describing a fabric or substance that you can easily break or see THROUGH, and its FULL OF or CHARACTERIZED BY this quality, INconsequenTIAL - HAS THE QUALITY of NOT being important, ULTRAmarine - being EXTRA blue, accupressURE - the PROCESS OR ACT of massaging at specific bodily points, DIScordANCE - the CONDITION of NOT being in agreement OR the CONDITION of the presence of a given trait in only one member of a pair of identical twins and NOT in the other., TRIsaccharide - any of the class of sugars whose molecules contain THREE sugar molecules, MISrecollecTION - the ACTION OF remembering WRONGly,
Affixes 100-110
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