All your hard work will pay off soon. Just be patient.,  Good news from afar may bring you a welcome visitor., Good clothes open many doors. Go shopping and you`ll meet an old friend., You won`t know until you try. Be brave and you will have a good luck! , A new journey will fill your life with unforgettable memories., English certainly broadens your horizons. Keep on learning it and you will get a good job offer next year., You will be praised by someone you really respect., Your success will astonish everyone. Buy a red ribbon just in case., If you feel you are right, stand firmly by your convictions., Keep on learnng English. Doors will be opened for you., You will soon gain something you have always wanted., A smile is your passport into the hearts of others., A dream you have will come true. Be patient!, You will become great if you believe in yourself., A new business trip is on horizon. Don`t lose your opportunity!.

New Year`s predictions


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