1) Which statement about mistakes is NOT true? a) Mistakes are a way to show that I need practice. b) Mistakes is how we learn. c) I should not tell anyone about my mistakes. d)  Everyone makes mistakes, even my teacher. 2) The brain can change and grow stronger, true or false? a) True b) False 3) What are the two different types of mindsets? a) Doing and Giving b) Growth and Fixed c) Mixed and Managebale d) inappropriate and appropriate 4) To memorize your multiplication facts this year, you will need to.... To memorize your multiplication facts this year, you will need to.... a) Use a calculator b) Repeated practice at home and school c) Give up, there are too many to remember d) Just Dance 5) Which is NOT a way to make your neuron connections stronger? Which is NOT a way to make your neuron connections stronger? a) Making mistakes b) Giving up c) Repeated practice d) Having Grit (perseverance) 6) True or false. Some people are born with smarter brains than others. a) False b) True


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