I started a new job last month, but haven't warmed - to my colleagues. They’re so serious, we just haven’t clicked., Dating my friend’s ex has come between us and we’ve fallen - out. We were always on the same wavelength until now., I guess it’s inevitable that as you get older, you and your school friends will drift - apart, but I still think fondly of them and I do miss them sometimes., It’s often awkward when I’m out somewhere and I bump - into an acquaintance, as I never know what to say!, A local celebrity and I have a - mutual friend. Is it rude to ask for an introduction?, My friend keeps stopping - by my place for dinner without any  warning., Most of my friends like to socialise as a group - but I prefer to hang out one-on-oneby my place for dinner without any, I’m finding it hard to make up - with a friend who hurt my feelings., Two friends I introduced to each other hit it off and have bonded - over their shared hobbies. Now, I’m feeling left out., My friend is dating someone who I haven’t - taken to at all and I’m not sure whether to tell them.,

Friendship hiccups



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