CONCEPTION / FERTILIZATION - The union of a human egg and sperm, UTERUS - Muscular organ supports the fertilized egg during pregnancy, PLACENTA - An organ that attaches the egg to the inner wall of the uterus, UMBILICAL CORD - Ropelike structure through which the mother & developing baby exchange oxygen,nutrients, & waste, AMNIOTIC SAC - Thin membrane filled with fluid in which the developing baby floats, ZYGOTE - Single cell that is formed from the union of the sperm and egg, EMBRYO - Mass of cells during the 1st eight weeks after conception, FETUS - Developing of cells from the eighth week of conception until birth, PREGNANCY - Time period from conception to birth, PRENATAL CARE - The care given to both the mother-to-be and her unborn baby., OBSTETRICIAN - A physician who specializes in the care of a mother-to-be & her developing baby., FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME - (FAS) is the presence of severe birth defects in babies born to mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy., MISCARRIAGE - A natural ending of pregnancy before a baby is developed enough to survive on its own., TOXEMIA - A condition in which high blood pressure, sudden weight gain, blurred vision, headaches, and swelling of the hands and feet occur. , PREMATURE BIRTH - The birth of a baby before it is fully developed., CHILDBIRTH - The process by which a baby moves from the uterus to the outside world, LABOR - A series of 3 stages that result in the birth of the baby, EFFACEMENT - The thinning and shortening of the cervix, AFTERBIRTH - The placenta and other membranes that supported the fetus, CESAREAN SECTION - A surgical procedure in which the baby & the placenta are delivered through an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus., APGAR SCORE - A scoring system to rate the health of a newborn baby., POSTPARTUM PERIOD - The 6-8 week period after the birth of a baby., PROLACTIN - A hormone that causes the mammary glands in the mother’s breasts to produce milk., TRIMESTER - 3 month periods - baby is normally born at the end of 3rd trimester, PREGNANT SMOKER - Reduces the amount of oxygen that baby receives & decreases her appetite, which affects baby., GESTATIONAL DIABETES - Type of diabetes that is first seen in a pregnant woman (they DIDN’T have prior),
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