chromosome - Thread-like structures in the nucleus of a cell that carry the information for the characteristics of a living organism., Gregor Mendel - The "father" of genetics; He was the first to study the patterns of traits being passed on., sperm - The male reproductive cell; Contains 23 chromosomes, egg - The female reproductive cell; Contains 23 chromosomes, zygote - The building block cell"; A fertilized egg; contains 46 chromosomes, mitosis - The duplication of cells that multiply to form the beginnings of an organism, nucleus - he control center of a cell. Contains chromosomes, Which Contain Genes, which contain DNA (Deoxy-ribo Neucleic Acid), genotype - (TYPE O GENE) This refers to the person's gene combination. It tells whether the person's gene combination is hybrid, purebred recessive or purebred dominant (Tt, tt, or TT), hybrid - A gene combination with one dominant gene for a trait (ex. ability to roll tongue- T -Notice the CAPITAL letter) and one recessive gene for a trait (ex. not being able to roll the tongue- t - Notice the lowercase letter). The dominant gene will be the one that shows through., heterozygous - This is another term for HYBRID, purebred - A gene combination with two of the same types of genes. The gene pair can be either dominant (purebred dominant- TT) or both recessive (purebred recessive- tt)., homozygous - This is another term for PUREBRED., phenotype - (PHYSICAL FEATURES) This refers to the trait that is visible in the person. Does the person have freckles, or don't they; have dimples, or don't they?, punnet square - An instrument used for determining possible genetic outcomes based on biological parents' information,
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