1) In 'The man who told me this refused to give me his name', the RELATIVE clause is: a) the man refused to give me his name b) who told me this 2) In 'The man who told me this refused to give me his name', we have: a) a defining relative clause b) non-defining relative clause 3) In 'The man who told me this refused to give me his name', a clause of this this kind, a defining relative clause, is essential to clear the understanding of the: a) verb, tell b) verb, give c) noun, man 4) In 'The noise that he made woke everybody up', the relative clause is: a) the noise woke everybody up b) that he made 5) In 'The noise that he made woke everybody up', we have: a) a defining relative clause b) a non-defining relative clause 6) "that he made" helps to clear the understanding of: a) who made the noise / the type of noise b) the result of the noise 7) In "The driver, who had visited this area before, gave us a nice recommendation of a restaurant", the relative clause is: a) the driver gave us a nice recommendation of a restaurant b) who had visited this area before 8) "who had visited this area before" is an example of: a) a defining relative clause b) a non-defining relative clause 9) In "My neighbour, who is very pessimistic, says there will be no apples this year", we have: a) a defining relative clause b) a non-defining relative clause 10) "who is very pessimistic", is: a) essential information to understand who is the neighbour b) extra information about the neighbour 11) In "Peter, whom everybody suspected, turned out to be innocent", whom represents the: a) the object of the sentence b) the subject of the clause 12) My friend wrote two books on butterflies, _____ sold very well unfortunately. a) neither of which b) one of which c) most of which 13) The zoo has three giraffes, ____ are female. a) one of which b) all of which 14) Scientists estimate that our planet is home to 8.7 million species, ___ have still not been identified. a) most of which b) none of which
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