1) What do you call a poem with regular rhymes and rhythms? a) A rhymed verse b) a free verse c) A limerick d) A haiku 2) What do you call a poem with no regular rhymes or patterns? a) A rhymed verse b) A free verse c) A haiku d) A limerick 3) What do you call a poem, usually about nature, with three lines that follows a 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables pattern?? a) A rhymed verse b) A free verse poem c) A haiku d) A limerick 4) What do you call a poem that has 5 lines follows an AABBA rhyme scheme and is often silly? a) a rhymed verse b) a free verse poem c) A haiku d) a limerick 5) What type of poem is this? The sky is so blue. The sun is so warm up high. I love the summer. a) a rhymed verse b) a free verse poem c) a haiku d) a limerick 6) Why was that poem a haiku? a) it rhymed b) it had 3 lines with a 5, 7, 5 syllable pattern c) it was funny 7) What is a line of a poem? a) A group of lines b) a single line or verse c) an author of a poem 8) What is a stanza? a) A group of lines b) a single line or verse c) an author of a poem 9) What is a poet? a) a group of lines b) a single line or verse c) an author of a poem 10) What is a rhyme? a) a group of words that follow a rhythm b) two words that end with the same sound c) a beat of the poem 11) What is an example of a rhyme? a) air, stare b) duck, dump c) sit, sat 12) What is the rhythm? a) the author of a poem b) a rhyme c) the beat of the poem 13) Coolness fills the air, Scarves and sweaters everywhere, Fall weather is here. What type of poem is this? a) haiku b) free verse c) limerick d) rhymed verse 14) The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits overlooking the harbor and city on silent legs and then moves on. What type of poem is this? a) haiku b) free verse c) limerick d) rhymed verse 15) Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. What type of poem is this? a) haiku b) free verse c) limerick d) rhymed verse 16) Hickory, dickory, dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, The mouse ran down, Hickory, dickory, dock. What type of poem is this? a) haiku b) free verse c) limerick d) rhymed verse
Poetry Review
3rd Grade
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