What’s your favorite song from Phineas and Ferb / Spongebob Squarepants / High School Musical?, Do you agree or disagree that Sharpay Evans was the real hero of High School Musical?, What was your first day of middle school like?, Kiss, Marry, Kill: Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Kiss, Marry, Kill: TLC, HGTV, Discovery Channel, Kiss, Marry, Kill: Cake, Cookies, Ice Cream, Kiss, Marry, Kill:The Avengers, Kiss, Marry, Kill : Summer, Fall, Winter, spring, Who’s the best cooking show/late night tv/reality competition show host?, What ice cream flavor best represents your personality?, What’s something you do that breaks fashion rules?, What’s your Disney movie walkup song?, What moment from your life could have been a viral Vine?, What’s your movie/tv/music hot take (i.e. a controversial opinion on a movie/tv show/song you have)?, What’s a movie that’s so bad, it’s good?, What’s your real-life superpower?, What’s a shitty superpower you want to have?, What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of your parents?, What’s one place you’ve always wanted to go?, What fantasy universe do you wish you could visit/live in?, Describe an event where you came in with way more confidence than you should have., What’s something small you do for yourself?, What’s the best/worst vacation you’ve ever been on?, What was a great “happy cry” moment for you?, What weird food/food combo do you love?, What is the meal of your childhood?, What’s the craziest thing a stranger’s ever said to you?, What’s your best/worst first date story?, What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?, What’s a topic you follow outside of work/school?, What do you do to get back at “the man?”, What’s your favorite conspiracy theory?, What’s your least favorite icebreaker question?, What’s that thing your friends all know you for?, Would you ever get a tattoo? Of what?, Do you believe in ghosts/aliens?, Choose your own icebreaker, What's your favorite Disney character?.
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