Practices that ensure access to Tier I: TESOL teacher works with the 3rd-grade math teacher to co-plan a unit on fractions, adding vocabulary supports to help ML students access the math content., SPED teacher provides additional reading interventions for MLs during a study hall period, MTSS team reviews data and creates an after-school tutoring program to help students improve their language skills., TESOL teacher pushes into the 5th-grade science classroom to scaffold language during experiments., Administrator uses Title III funds to provide additional training to teachers on scaffolding academic language., TESOL and SPED teachers collaborate to ensure the student receives both targeted language supports and accommodations for their learning disability., TESOL teacher offers an after-school English enrichment club., MTSS schedules a dedicated intervention block. (WIN), SLP coordinates with general education and TESOL teachers to embed communication support within the literacy block., Administrator allocates Title III funds to purchase bilingual dictionaries and language-learning software that enhance classroom instruction. , Practices that impede access Tier I: TESOL teacher pulls ML students out of their core content class three times a week for separate English instruction., SPED teacher replaces a student’s general education reading time with SPED pull-out services for dually identified students., SLP uses the student’s designated English language development period to conduct speech therapy sessions., TESOL teacher provides all of the reading instruction for ML students., MTSS team sets up an intervention that replaces the math block for struggling ML students., Administrator uses Title III funds to purchase general classroom supplies that are meant for all students., TESOL teacher delivers stand-alone English instruction without collaborating with classroom teachers., SPED services replace the student’s TESOL block., Administrator assigns general education teachers to take on TESOL responsibilities without involving TESOL specialists., MTSS pulls ML students out of their reading class every day for intervention.,
What does quality collaboration for MLs look like?
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