abuse - Improper, wrong, or cruel treatment. To put to bad use; to hurt or damage by treating badly., appliance - a machine or tool to do a household job, confirm - to agree or prove that something is true; to make sure, remove any doubt, daze - To stun or confuse. A state of confusion., flimsy - not strong or solid; poorly made; not convincing, gauge - a standard measure used to tell size, thickness, and so on; an instrument to measure, migrant - an animal or person that moves from region to another as seasons change; a farmworker who moves seasonally to pick different crops, neutral - not taking any side in a disagreement or war; in-between, lacking distinction; not in gear, pitiless - showing no sorrow or regret for another's suffering or troubles, presentable - fit to be seen or inspected, rotate - to turn around a central point; to alternate, shred - a thin strip or to cut into thin strips or small pieces,

Sadlier Vocab Unit 12 (5th Grade- Blue Book)



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