1) What holiday celebrates the trees waking from winter? a) Purim b) Chanukah c) Tu b'Shevat d) Rosh Hashanah e) Sukkot 2) What does the " tu " in Tu b'Shevat mean? a) in b) 15 c) after d) 18 e) 17 3) What is Shevat? a) the name of a month b) a kind of food c) a city in Israel d) an animal e) candy 4) What do people do to celebrate Tu b'Shevat? a) make and toss paper airplanes b) play video games c) light and blow out candles d) eat fruit and nuts e) shop and buy toys 5) One kind of fruit eaten at a Tu b'Shevat seder is hard on the outside and soft on the inside a) grapes b) apples c) lemons d) peaches e) coconuts 6) Another kind of fruit eaten is soft with a pit in the center a) blueberries b) peaches c) strawberries d) almonds e) bananas 7) A third kind of fruit eaten is soft all the way through  a) pomegranates b) olives c) oranges d) bananas e) raisins 8) For which two holidays do people make a seder? a) Sukkot and Shavuot b) Tu b'Shevat and Shabbat c) Chanukah and Rosh Hashanah d) Passover and Purim e) Tu b'Shevat and Passover  9) What is true about all the fruits we eat to celebrate Tu b'Shevat? a) they have seeds in the middle b) they are round c) they only grow in Israel d) we only eat one e) they all grow on trees 10) What is an activity that people might do to celebrate Tu b'Shevat? a) take a walk b) go to the movies c) play video games d) go to an arcade e) take a nap 11) Which Jewish organization is responsible for planting trees in Israel? a) Jewish United Fund b) Yad L'kashish c) Jewish National Fund d) Tel Aviv Toasters e) Jerusalem Jackpot f) Falafel Flyers 12) What's the name of the fruit that's like an Israeli - hard on the outside, soft on the inside? a) Cantaloupe b) Pomegranate c) Marshmallow d) Sabra e) Applesauce f) Grape Jelly

Tu b' Shevat


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