Person Vs Person Conflict - The protagonist goes against the antagonist and this relationship is at the center of the plot, Person vs. Circumstances - The protagonist is facing a problem with the setting (where and when) the story takes place, Person vs. Society - The protagonist is facing a problem that is part of the culture and society, Person vs. Self - The protagonist is struggling with a part of his or herself., Conflict - The main problem in a story that drives the plot, Plot - The structure of a story, Setting - The time and place a story takes place, Mood - The way the reader feels as a result of the story. The atmosphere of the story, Tone - The author's attitude toward the topic, Theme - The main message in a story about human nature, Exposition - The beginning the story where characters, setting, and background are introduced, Rising Action - the characters encounter obstacles as they try to reach their goal/solve their conflict, Climax - The turning point; the most exciting part, Falling Action - the conflict is taken care of, problem is solved, Resolution - The ending of the story where all the loose ends are tied up, Dynamic Character - A character who changes because of the plot, Static character - A character who does not change throughout the story, Character traits - The character's personality, appearance, motivations and attitude., Main character - Protagonist, Narrator - The point of view from which the story is told, the voice of the story,
Elements of Fiction
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