1) Which is the correct way to split the word APGUM? a) ap gum b) a pgum 2) Which is the correct way to split the word GOMZEB? a) go mzeb b) gom zeb 3) Which is the correct way to split the word MUSFIN? a) musf in b) mus fin 4) Which is the correct way to split the word BABSEG? a) babs eg b) bab seg 5) Which is the correct way to split the word HEBGAN? a) heb gan b) he bgan 6) Which is the correct way to split the word MUTGEN? a) mut gen b) mu tgan 7) Which is the correct way to split the word BROCKISH? a) brock ish b) broc kish 8) Which is the correct way to split the word BROCKISH? a) brock ish b) broc kish 9) Which is the correct way to split the word PLUNSHIN? a) pluns hin b) plun shin 10) Which is the correct way to split the word SCUMPSLAP? a) scum pslap b) scump slap 11) Which is the correct way to split the word RATHTIB? a) rath tib b) rat htib 12) Which is the correct way to split the word TAMCHAN? a) tam chan b) tamc han

Split the Multisyllabic words 10.3


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