Expected: Keep your brain focused., Ask for a break if you feel overwhelmed., Be kind., Take deep breaths if you feel overwhelmed., Ask your friends what they want to play., Say "Are you okay?" when someone cries., Talk about what other people want to talk about., Use kind words, Clean up after yourself., Keep your body in the group., Raise your hand & wait to be called on , Put trash in a trash can., Say "hi" when someone says "hi" to you., Unexpected: Scream when you have to do something you don't want to do., Say something that makes someone cry., Cry if you make a mistake., Tell someone, "I don't like you.", Say "I'm never playing this again!" when you lose a game., Look in the other direction when someone is talking to you., Talk while the teacher is talking., Crumple up your paper if you make a mistake., Laugh when someone cries., Throw trash on the floor., Play video games all day., Cross your arms and say "I don't want to" when an adult asks you to do something., Say "I hate this game!" when you lose a game.,
Expected and Unexpected Behavior
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