1) resemble a) take someone on b) take to something/someone c) take over d) take after 2) start to become successful a) take someone aside b) take up a new sport/hobby c) take after d) take off 3) accept a) take over b) take someone aside c) take on a challenge d) take after 4) gain control a) take after b) take someone on c) take off d) take over 5) move away from other people to talk a) take someone aside b) take something in c) take on a challenge d) take over 6) employ a) take someone on b) take someone aside c) take after d) take on a challenge 7) accept the true a) take someone aside b) take over c) take something in d) take after 8) start to like a) take up a new sport/hobby b) take someone on c) take off d) take to something/someone 9) start doing a) take on a challenge b) take up a new sport/hobby c) take after d) take someone aside

Phrasal verbs TAKE

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