1) How much ________ do you have? a) achievement b) enthusiasm  c) praise d) self-motivation 2) What's something you ________ in MobiDev? a) apreciate b) revard c) appreciate d) reward 3) How can a junior specialist improve their ________? a) perfomanse b) performance c) insentives d) incentives 4) Are ________ important for you? a) incentives b) praise c) recognition d) benefits 5) Did you often give your teammates ________?  a) praise b) performance c) recognition d) incentives 6) Are you full of ________ at the beginning of a new project? a) ensuthiasm b) self-motivation c) enthusiasm  d) selfie motivation 7) What are(were) some ________ that you can get in MobiDev? a) rewards b) acheviement c) achievement d) revards 8) What's the greatest ________ in your career?  a) benefit b) achievement c) achieevement d) benifit 9) How can a newbie achieve ________ of his/her boss (e.g. team lead, mentor)?  Teammates? a) benefit b) recognition c) appreciate d) performance 10) Will you ________ if you do overtime? a) reward b) benefit c) praise d) appreciate

Business Result. Upper. Unit 2. Motivation

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